Happy Holidays!


Students just completed their first cumulative spelling and vocabulary assessment, and overall results are great so far- mostly everyone earned eighty or above.  Great job!

This week we wrap up the reading of our class mystery, Chasing Vermeer, and students will take on the role of detective themselves as they follow clues around the building tomorrow.  The fastest group in each class will earn hillbills.  If possible, students should download a QR code reader to their personal devices (ipod, tablet, smartphone, etc.) and bring them in to use for this activity tomorrow.  A big thank you to the parents who are coming in to help supervise the activity tomorrow!

Tomorrow is the last day for students to submit final drafts of their Mars One essay, they will be graded and published over vacation.

Vacation would be a great time for students to finish a book and get their next book review handed in!  A and B block book reviews should be in by January 5th (their due date was extended) and C & D book reviews should be in by the 14th of January.

Wishing you a safe, healthy and happy holiday break!  See you next year.  🙂