Phantom Tollbooth

In ELA, we are currently reading Norton Juster’s classic, The Phantom Tollbooth, the story of Milo, who didn’t know what to do with himself.  By visiting the “Lands Beyond” he learns to appreciate the world around him with all of its sights, sounds, words and numbers.  Students are completing a packet as we go which explores homophones, synonyms, idioms, and the book’s many words of wisdom.  At the end of the book, they will complete a project using the words of wisdom to either

1) write fortunes to place in fortune cookies,

2) write a horoscope for each sign of the zodiac, or

3) write an advice column with three letters to and from students about their age with typical problems 6th graders face.

They will see examples in class.   All projects will be due Thursday, March 24, the day we will view the movie version of the book.  *Please note: If students do not complete their project on time, the fortune cookie option is no longer available to them.  The only day students can hand in fortune cookies as their project is March 24.