Number the Stars

We start 2015 in ELA exploring the world of WWII through the historical fiction novel, Number the Stars.  In order to build background knowledge of the historical setting of the book, we watched a video that briefly details the events of this part of history. While reading this story, students will complete a reflection journal on their blogs where they make predictions about each chapter prior to reading it, then reflect on the accuracy of their predictions afterwards.  They will also be assigned a classmate’s blog to read and respond to in comments.  Students should keep in mind the “Posting Guidelines” described in the tab at the top of this blog.

Current Spelling and Vocabulary words related to Number the Stars can be found on using the link to the left of this blog.  The test on these words will be Thursday, January 22.  The ABC Order and Words in the Words assignment is due tomorrow, January 8, and students should create a Madlibs type story using at least fifteen of the words (placing a blank with the part of speech written under it for each vocab word) by next Thursday, January 15.  As always, assignments should be completed within students’ ELA Composition notebooks.